Updated On -09/07/2020
Get Free Games With New Graphics Card Purchase (Death Stranding Offer)
If you are looking forward to purchasing your new graphics card here is an Epic offer you can take advantage of. Nvidia has partnered with the 505 Games and KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS to bring you this great deal. You get the Death Stranding Free when you buy an Nvidia Graphics card or even a laptop with the Nvidia GPU.

Nvidia has announced the offer for the GeForce RTX Graphics cards, PCs and laptops will get a copy of DEATH STRANDING with the purchase of an eligible
GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
RTX 2080 SUPER, 2080
RTX 2060 or RTX 2060 SUPER
Graphics cards for PCs, or laptops, or desktops that come with these GPUs. Notably, you will not get the Free Game when buying the more affordable, GTX 1660 Ti, GTX 1660, or other entry-level graphics cards.
The offer is for a limited time and gamers will receive a Steam code for the PC Digital Download edition of DEATH STRANDING.
The Death Stranding bundle offer starts from Today – 09th July 2020 and will End On July 29th, 2020. Nvidia has also launched the Day Zero drivers with several optimizations for the Death Stranding and you will experience much better frame rates when using the new drivers.
The company also said in a press release that the new drivers offer better performance in recent games like Horizon Zero Dawn and F1 2020.
Death Stranding Free Bundle NvidiaRead More About the RTX Bundle by Nvidia Here.
Previous Offers By Nvidia
Get Free Battlefield V With Purchase of Nvidia RTX cards
Nvidia recently released the new RTX series of graphics cards which offer incredible graphics with the new Ray tracing technology.
Now the company is offering something special to gamers looking to upgrade their old PC rigs.
Nvidia is offering a free copy of the Battlefield V to all the gamers who are buying the new Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti, RTX 2080 or the RTX 2070.
The offer starts from 23rd November 2018 and is valid till 07th January 2019(or till the supply lasts). The battlefield V is the latest title from EA in the long-standing battlefield series.
The game is currently available on Origin for Rs. 3499 for the standard edition and the deluxe edition for PC costs Rs. 4,799. A hefty sum to pay for this online thriller.
I have played the Beta for the BattleField V on the Nvidia GTX 1060 and it comes with the most impressive graphics, I have seen in any modern game.

The gameplay is even better with the latest DXR Ray tracing, an in-game patch that was released last week.
Further, the price for the Founders edition RTX cards are as follows:
- Nvidia RTX 2070 – India Price Rs. 54,250
- Nvidia RTX 2080 – India Price Rs. 72,400
- Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti – India Price Rs. 108,600
Win a Free RTX 2080 Ti, 2080 or RTX 2070 – Offer By Nvidia
Nvidia is also offering 3 new graphics cards to gamers who will participate in the contest. As per Nvidia, you need to play the Battlefield V in the single-player War Stories mode.

Capture your favorite moment using Alt+F2 to capture the screenshot and then share it with Nvidia using the @NVIDIAGeForce and hashtag #SHOTWITHGEFORCE.
Also, you need to upload the screenshot on the Nvidia website which I have linked below.
Also, read about the latest GTX 1650, GTX 1660, and the 1660 Ti graphics cards.
Source Nvidia Free Graphics Card Contest, Nvidia RTX Battlefield V Bundle Offer.
Get Free Fortnite Bucks With Purchase of Nvidia GTX Cards
Nvidia is offering 2000 V bucks with the purchase of GTX 1060, 1070, 1070 Ti. Additionally, you will also get the Rare Reflex Outfit, Response Unit Back, Bling, Uncommon Pivot Glider, Angular Axe Pickaxe gear.
Otherwise, the 2000 V Bucks can be bought for $19.99 or Rs. 2400 independently.
Published on 13-March-2015
Nvidia Offers Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Free With GTX 900 Series Cards
Nvidia’s“Undeniably Epic Offer” is available now on the purchase of Nvidia GTX 980, GTX 970 and GTX 960 graphics cards when you purchase them from Snapdeal.com and Flipkart and Nvidia authorized retailers.
“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” Gets an Epic Bundle to Celebrate an Epic Game “
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt will also be available for buyers who will buy a Gaming Laptop powered by Nvidia GTX 970M or above, yes they are rare in India.
When you purchase the graphics card you must ask the seller, to share the Code for the game with you, usually comes with a sealed paper card or they can send the code to you via email.
I would suggest you have a word with the customer care of Flipkart or Snapdeal if you are buying online before buying the graphics card. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is going to launch for PC on 19th May 2015.
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt is one of the 25 Things I learned from PC Games and is developed by CD Projekt Red which has worked together with Nvidia to bring new levels of realism to the game with cutting-edge game development technologies. For example, Nvidia’s latest technology hair works make the character’s hair and fur to life with each hair strand moving as in a real-life scenario.
Nvidia’s PhysX technology also does the same to the clothes and other elements in the game to make them look more realistic.
Nvidia GTX 980 and 970 are really energy-efficient cards and are extremely powerful compared to the older generations.